Care ConnX

Care Connx is a fully responsive web application that was developed to connect you with the right doctor for your condition or rare disease. The application also allowed you to compare doctors with the second opinion tool.

The Care ConnX Project


Comsort a subsidiary of Merck, allowed our team to pursue a passion project called Care ConnX. The web application was a all-in-one platform for you and your health. Care ConnX offered 4 unique tools for the user. The user could simply find a doctor for their condition within the zipcode, state, country, or the world. The application would also allow the user to compare their current doctor to a Care ConnX recommended doctor. The Health 101 tool served as a central database of published medical articles . The Recent Advances tool will keep you up to date on any recent advances that were made in your condition or interest.

My Roles

Lead UX/UI Designer

My Team

Product Owner
Front End Developer 2x
Back End Developer4x


12 Months

My Involvement

UI/UX Design

Create Mockups

On this particular project one of my main roles was to focus on the UI of the application. We often worked in 2 week sprints with a stakeholder meeting once a month. For each month, I would focus on one of the tools such as Second Opinion, and create multiple variations of the ui and user flow.

UX Research


The Care ConnX required me to research a lot about the medical field. I had to understand the different licenses, abbreviations, titles, definitions. I also had to be aware of our competition, because let’s face it, there are many “find a doctor” applications out there.